Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 4 Part C

Host: We’re in the final episode of Round 4 of the Bachelor. Four contestants left- Anna, Stephanie, Steven and Tanya. Anna received the one-on-one last episode. Tonight we have a brunch party and then someone will get sent home!

03-16-15_6-52 PM

Tanner made everyone pancakes for brunch and they all  ate around the table together.

03-16-15_6-54 PM

Tanner entertained everyone by telling jokes. Stephanie joined in.

03-16-15_6-55 PM

And then there was some dancing. Tanya actually IS dancing in this picture. She’s just doing some sort of angry dance, maybe?

With a simple brunch and just a small group, there really wasn’t much excitement in this party.

03-16-15_6-58 PM

Tanner: The decisions are extremely difficult now. I feel a connection with each and every one of you. I have become such good friends with all of you.

03-16-15_7-00 PM


03-16-15_7-00 PM-2


03-16-15_7-01 PM


03-16-15_7-02 PM

Tanner: This is awful. Out of everyone, I have grown the closest to you. I feel like you are my best friend. And I really, really wish there was something there, but….

Anna: I know.

03-16-15_7-03 PM-2

Host: Later that evening….

03-16-15_7-09 PM-2




Tune in next time to see who died in the pool!

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 4 Part B

Author Notes: Things are a little chaotic over here since I am moving to another state- selling a house, buying a house, and moving in general are a lot of work! I was away last week house-hunting, but I am back. I am SUPER into the Sims right now thanks to the upcoming release of the next expansion. My time is the only thing that is keeping me from playing and posting. I’m going to try posting more on the Facebook page so you know when to anticipate a new post. So, be sure to check out that page. If you already “like” the page and haven’t seen the posts recently, it’s likely because FB is hiding them due to the low fan count and lack of activity on the posts, so stop by and leave a comment!

Host: Welcome back to the Bachelor! On our last episode our final four contestants went on a group date. Who will get this week’s one on one? First we look at their day off…

03-03-15_8-50 PM 03-03-15_8-50 PM-2

Tanya: We should consider eating healthier breakfasts.

03-03-15_9-14 PM

03-03-15_9-16 PM

Host: Tanner likes hugs, and he was apparently in a “huggy” mood today.

03-03-15_9-19 PM 03-03-15_9-20 PM

03-03-15_9-21 PM

03-01-15_12-44 PM

Host: And now it’s time for the one-on-one

03-08-15_2-39 PM

Anna and Tanner went to a nightclub. They started off with some dancing.

03-08-15_2-41 PM

And followed it up with drinks at the bar.

03-08-15_2-42 PM

Tanner: I really like this song :::dances in seat:::

03-08-15_2-44 PM

Tanner (to the bartender): So how long have you been mixing for this place?

03-08-15_2-45 PM-2

Anna: I heard the Llamas did well last night…

03-08-15_2-45 PM-3

Tanner: So…what sort of movies do you like to watch?

03-08-15_2-45 PM-4

03-08-15_2-45 PM-5

Anna: Did you see the guy outside with the purple hat?

03-02-15_8-38 PM

Host: After hanging out at the bar for awhile, Anna and Tanner came home and cleaned the kitchen.

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 4 Part A

Host: Welcome to another round of the Bachelor! Last episode, we said goodbye to Madilyn. In this episode, Round 4 starts, only 4 contestants left!

03-02-15_8-38 PM

Anna and Tanner worked together to get the kitchen back in shape after the caterer destroyed it.

03-03-15_8-10 PM

Then, it was off to a group date at the park in Willow Creek.

03-03-15_8-11 PM

Tanya: Well, hello handsome. How are you today?


03-03-15_8-11 PM-3

Tanya: And then it made a face like this!

03-03-15_8-12 PM-2

Tanya: And what did you think of that book? Can you believe who the murder was? I didn’t see that coming!

03-03-15_8-12 PM-3

Tanner: I think we are a good match together. While we have similar interests, our personalities are different enough to ensure the conversation is always interesting.

03-03-15_8-12 PM-5

Tanner: You are going to have to learn to like the Lightning Llamas though.

Tanya: How about if I just don’t complain when you put the games on, and go read a book instead?

03-03-15_8-13 PM

Steven: Aha! I have an idea. What if the Dashing Dromedaries…

03-03-15_8-13 PM-2

Steven: I’ve been thinking about taking up photography.

03-03-15_8-14 PM-3

Steven: You have the nicest eyes. Did you know that?

03-03-15_8-14 PM-5

Tanner: Hmm…maybe you are right. If the Lightning Llamas go up against the Avalanche Alpacas.

03-03-15_8-15 PM-2

Anna: …and it weighed like fifty pounds…

03-03-15_8-15 PM-3

Anna: Grr…mean people make me so angry!

03-03-15_8-15 PM-4

Anna: Well….that didn’t go right…:::nervous laughter:::

03-03-15_8-15 PM-5

Anna: I don’t know. This is such an awkward situation. I really like you, but the flirting just isn’t working.

03-03-15_8-15 PM-6

Tanner: How you doin’?

03-03-15_8-16 PM-2

Tanner: Yeah. I feel like we have a lot in common, lots of the same values, both want families, but….

03-03-15_8-16 PM-3

Tanner: I don’t know. I feel like were more like best friends than in a romantic relationship.

03-03-15_8-17 PM

Stephanie: So, I definitely think I am starting to have some feelings for you.

03-03-15_8-17 PM-3

Stephanie: …with a hippodermic needle!!!….:::laughs:::

03-03-15_8-17 PM-4

Tanner: Yeah, and supposedly there will be a scientist lab being setup as well?

03-03-15_8-17 PM-5

Stephanie: Well finding someone I have a romantic connection with is, like, super important to me.

03-03-15_8-19 PM

Host: The contestants then enjoyed some burgers cooked by Tanner.


03-03-15_8-19 PM-3 03-03-15_8-20 PM

But Tanya left early because she was exhausted and needed to go to bed.

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 3 Part C

Host: Welcome to the conclusion of Round 3 on the Bachelor!

03-01-15_12-44 PM

It’s the morning of the cocktail party and garden ceremony. Stephanie managed to sneak in some extra time during breakfastThe morning was relatively quiet with people catching up on sleep, showering, eating and just ensuring they were well-played for the afternoon’s festivities.

03-01-15_1-13 PM-2

Today’s party was a general house party catered food and beverages, dancing, socializing, etc…

03-01-15_1-13 PM-3

03-01-15_1-13 PM-5

There are no particularly talented dancers in the group.

03-01-15_1-13 PM-6

03-01-15_1-14 PM

The bartender added some excitement to the event.

03-01-15_1-14 PM-2

03-01-15_1-14 PM-3

03-01-15_1-16 PM

Madilyn couldn’t decide which drink she wanted…so she opted for both.

03-01-15_1-18 PM

Steven: How do you think the Llamas are going to do against the Alpacas this week? I have a feeling they’ll excel on the ice, but fail on the field. 

03-01-15_5-06 PM

Tanya: The caterer made a disaster in the kitchen. Why are they required to clean up after themselves? But, you know, this is the best grilled cheese I’ve ever eaten.

03-01-15_5-22 PM

03-01-15_5-22 PM-2

03-01-15_5-23 PM

Tanner: I’ve had another great week here. And I’d really like to thank each of you for being here. Decisions are getting really difficult now, and it’ll just be getting harder from here on out.

03-01-15_5-24 PM

If he accepts, my first choice to stay is Steven.

03-01-15_5-24 PM-2

Followed by Anna.

03-01-15_5-25 PM


03-01-15_5-25 PM-3

And finally, Stephanie.

03-01-15_5-26 PM

Host: I’m sorry, Stephanie. Take a moment and say your goodbyes.

03-01-15_5-27 PM-2

Tanner: You are a beautiful and fascinating woman, Madilyn, but I feel like a lot of the other relationships have progressed a lot further. 

Madilyn:  :::sniffles::: ::::nods:::

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 3 Part B

Mod Note: Sorry for the delay in posting recently. My job schedule has prevented me from dedicating as much time as I’d like to the Sims. However, I am still fully invested in completing this challenge. It’s just taking me a lot longer to complete this round than the first two.

Host: Welcome back to Round 3 of The Bachelor Series 4! Last episode we had the first group date of Round 3. Who will Tanner select for the one-on-one this week?

02-20-15_12-44 PM

The day after the group date was another relaxing day where the contestants could catch up on their needs- sleeping, showering, reading, etc… Nothing interesting or unusual happened, it was a pretty quiet day. Tanner took up painting. We decided to display his art in the hallway with the easel and the guitar. The hallway is going to be referred to in the future as the “creative hallway”.

02-25-15_9-20 PM

Tanner selected Anna for his one-on-one. Anna and Tanner have the strongest friendship in the house, so Tanner is hoping to see some fireworks on this date.

02-25-15_9-21 PM

The date was at the local museum where they wandered around, chatted with several other visitors, and took selfies with the art.

02-25-15_9-22 PM

Anna: What?!? Woohoo in a rocket ship? :::laughs::: You have some weird life goals, Tanner.

Tanner: Hey, I think it is a perfectly realistic desire. :::laughs::: Where is your sense of adventure?

02-25-15_9-22 PM-2

Anna: I’m really glad you chose me for the one-on-one today. I’m so excited to be here with you. I feel like we get along really well, and I want to see where this goes.

02-25-15_9-22 PM-3

Tanner: She said the trick was to add some rum extract.

02-25-15_9-23 PM

Anna: And then he slipped on some banana peels!

02-25-15_9-25 PM

02-25-15_9-26 PM

Host: At some point in the afternoon, they got separated and distracted talking to other people visiting the museum.

02-25-15_9-26 PM-2

Hey look! It’s one of the stars of Amanda & Martha! We also saw Rebecca Brown today.

02-25-15_9-29 PM

Anna and Tanner eventually found each other again and stayed outside until 10:30pm chatting. They laughed and shared and became even better friends. Sadly, other than a bit of friendly flirting, no sparks flew on this date.

Will the lack of a romantic connection between Tanner and Anna cause Anna to get sent home this round? Or will Tanner keep his new, but close friend in the running? Find out next time.

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 3 Part A

Host: We’ve seen both Sofie and Karina say goodbye to the Bachelor. Who will go this round?

02-20-15_10-12 AM

Host: Instead of having breakfast with Tanya on the patio, Tanner ate in the living while watching TV with Steve. Tanner had a hot dog while Steve had toast and eggs.

02-20-15_10-15 AM

Host: This round’s group date was a campfire in the backyard.

02-20-15_10-18 AM-2

Host: While some contestants were smooth with the romantic gestures.

02-20-15_10-20 AM

Host: Other contestants were a little more awkward.

02-20-15_10-20 AM-2

Drama broke out when the campfire flames leaped onto a chair and lamp. No one was hurt. Thank goodness Tanya had enough sense to put the fire out.

02-20-15_10-22 AM

Tanner: Wow. I’m so impressed with how you handled that situation. You’re great to have around in an emergency.

02-20-15_10-23 AM

Steven: :::blows kiss at Tanner:::

02-20-15_10-25 AM

Tanner: So, I saw on TV this morning there is this new vacuum that is excellent for sucking up llama hair.

02-20-15_10-26 AM-2

Host: Anna’s attempts to embrace Tanner romantically were not well received- though he did give her a hug right after.

02-20-15_10-27 AM

Host: Stephanie and Tanya stayed up late chatting after everyone had gone to bed.


Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 2 Part C

Host: Welcome back to round 2 of the Bachelor. We’ve seen a group date to the bar and Tanner chose Steven for the one-on-one. Up next we have the final party of the round and the Garden Ceremony.

02-19-15_8-31 PM

Tanya: We tend to meet at this table quite a bit.

02-19-15_8-32 PM

Tanner: I know! I enjoy our nice quiet eating time. It’s peaceful on the porch this early in the morning.

02-19-15_8-32 PM-2

Tanner: Maybe it’s fate. Afterall, we both chose to have franks and beans for breakfast.

02-19-15_8-42 PM

Anna: Karina? What exactly are you supposed to be? It’s a costume party!

Karina: Sweetie, there is never a good reason to dress like a hot dog.

02-19-15_8-45 PM

Tanner: Drinking with this helmet on his hard. :::thunk::: Owww!

02-19-15_8-45 PM-2

02-19-15_8-48 PM

Madilyn: You there. One Buffalo Wing Tea, please.

02-19-15_8-49 PM

Tanner: Oh, guess what, I finally beat that level on the game. Whew. It was hard work.

02-19-15_8-49 PM-2

02-19-15_8-51 PM

Host: Tanner and Anna both spent hours dancing and talking with everyone else. Tanner chatted with Anna, and the folks sitting at the nearest table, but he was dancing the whole time. Such stamina!

02-19-15_10-28 PM

Host: It’s time.

02-19-15_10-28 PM-2

Tanner: And the people I’d like to stay for the next round are…

02-19-15_10-29 PM

Tanner: Steven

02-19-15_10-30 PM

Tanner: Tanya

02-19-15_10-30 PM-3

Tanner: Anna

02-19-15_10-31 PM-2

Tanner: Stephanie

02-19-15_10-32 PM

02-19-15_10-32 PM-2


Tanner: Madilyn

02-19-15_10-33 PM


Host: Karina. I’m sorry. Take a moment. Say your goodbyes.

02-19-15_10-34 PM

Tanner: Thank you for being here, Karina. I wish your the best. I know you’ll find happiness.

The Bachelor 4.1: Round 2 Part B

Host: Welcome to another exciting episode of the Bachelor. Who will be the next One-on-One? Find out today on the Bachelor!

02-15-15_6-12 PM

Host: The following day was a relaxation day in the house. Time to catch up on sleep and hygiene…some contestants chose to do both at the same time.

02-15-15_7-38 PM

Anna was seen cleaning the house more than once. Thankfully someone in the house is domestic.

02-15-15_7-46 PM

Tanner: “…she walked up to me and she asked me to dance. I asked her a name and in a dark brown voice she said…”

02-18-15_6-53 PM

Tanya: :::nomnomnom::::

Tanner: :::nomnomnom:::

02-18-15_6-56 PM

Anna: WHO ON EARTH HAS BEEN HIDING DISHES BEHIND THE STAIRS?! Good gravy, people. It’s not hard to wash a dish.

02-19-15_3-38 PM

Fire: :::crackle:::

02-19-15_3-38 PM-2

Tanner: ARG! Defeated again!

02-19-15_3-39 PM

Tanner: Just one more time…

02-19-15_4-13 PM

Host: Tanner chose to take Steven to the park for the one-on-one. They went explored the park and did some fishing.

02-19-15_4-14 PM-3

Steven was feeling a bit impish and did some teasing in the morning. Tanner was not amused.

02-19-15_4-15 PM

But Steven quickly turned the conversation around by bringing up the Lightning Llamas again.

02-19-15_4-15 PM-2

Tanner: I enjoy playing games in my free time. Do you?

02-19-15_4-15 PM-4

Tanner: So, do you think the Lightning Llamas will make the playoffs?

02-19-15_4-17 PM-2

Steven: Your arm muscles are stunning. Do you work out?

02-19-15_4-17 PM-3

Tanner: Hmm…if I move this guy here…

02-19-15_4-18 PM

Steven: Play another round? Maybe I’ll let you win this time.

02-19-15_4-18 PM-3


02-19-15_4-18 PM-4

Tanner: He can run fast. Am I supposed to chase him?

02-19-15_4-19 PM

Steven: Sorry. My stomach was telling me there was food over here!

Tanner: Well, at least give me a warning next time!

02-19-15_4-19 PM-2

Steven: Have you heard of this thing called “rain” or “thunderstorms”? Apparently, water used to come down from the sky. Previous generations experienced it, but I’ve never seen it. Think it’ll come back?

02-19-15_4-19 PM-3

Tanner: Have you figured out how to use the coffee machine in the house?

02-19-15_4-19 PM-5

Steven: I’m envious of the bed you have. They beds they gave the contestants are so small.

02-19-15_4-19 PM-4

Steven: I’m so glad you picked me for this one-on-one. I had a great time. I think we make a great couple!

Tanner: I had a really good time as well. Thanks for being here.

02-19-15_4-22 PM-2

Tanner: “I remember the night, I remember the sound, I remember the light, When the moon came ’round, The night flowers bloomed, The air so sweet, I remember you, I remember me”


Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Round 2 Part A

Host: Welcome to another exciting round of the Bachelor! Last round Tanner said goodbye to Sofia who had showed him little more than her materialistic nature. Who will he eliminate this round?

02-15-15_3-17 PM

The group date took place a local bar. 

02-15-15_3-21 PM

The contestants chatted with locals and each other, drank and of course tried to score some alone time with the Bachelor. 

Tanner: Having the bar for the group date this round allowed me to see another side of the girls. They made friends with some of the locals and I got to see how they handle outside social situations.

02-15-15_3-22 PM

Madilyn: This is such a great little place. I had never been here before, it has a nice homey-feel with the couch setup.

02-15-15_3-23 PM

Tanner: And then the crowd went wild. Yeah, so my first concert was pretty cool.

02-15-15_3-23 PM-4

Madilyn: Tanner, you have such a great laugh. It’s contagious!

02-15-15_3-25 PM-2

Tanya: I just want you to know I do want to be here, and I am serious about this process. I am just really shy. 

02-15-15_3-25 PM-3

Tanya: Hmm…yes, I very much enjoyed one I read recently about an ogre and a dragon. It had a lot of action, but also made me laugh out loud.

02-15-15_3-26 PM

Tanner: I finished one last week about this guy who escapes from prison. It was based on a true story, so it was very interesting.

02-15-15_3-59 PM

Steven: So did you see the Lightning Llamas last game? Woo…that last catch was unbelievable.

02-15-15_3-59 PM-5

Tanner: You seem really creative, have you ever tried playing a musical instrument?

02-15-15_3-59 PM-7

Steven: Oh yeah, I used to volunteer at one of their other agencies. 

02-15-15_4-01 PM

Anna: Well, you’ll just need to try my recipe then. I guarantee they are delicious.

02-15-15_4-02 PM-3

Anna: Okay, so I need to be upfront here. Just to make sure we aren’t wasting anyone’s time. So, I want a lot of kids…like as many as possible. Is that something you are okay with?

02-15-15_4-02 PM-4

Tanner: I would definitely be open to a lot of children. We can form our own band!

02-15-15_4-04 PM

Karina: I can’t believe the fashion sense of some of these girls. It’s ridiculous.

02-15-15_4-04 PM-3

Tanner: I don’t see anything wrong with how anyone dresses.

02-15-15_4-04 PM-4

Karina: Anna is totally obsessed with having children. Personally, I don’t want them. They are goopy messes who cry all the time. 

02-15-15_4-05 PM

Stephanie: This music is great! Having fun?

02-15-15_4-06 PM-4

Tanner: Yeah, I’m having a great time. Hey, I know this song!

02-15-15_4-06 PM-3

Stephanie: :::kisses his hands::: You are looking good tonight! I wish it was just the two of us here!

02-15-15_5-44 PM

Stephanie: So I heard on the news that there were going to be some new career opportunities opening up around here…doctors, detectives, scientists, and maybe photographers?

Random Guy: :::drunk dancing::: Do a dittle lance….lake a mittle dove…

02-15-15_5-45 PM

Host: Apparently when Anna gets drunk, she does push-ups.

02-15-15_5-47 PM

And that’s it for this episode of the Bachelor! Thanks for reading!

Author Note: Feel free to guess the traits of any of the contestants (that aren’t yours) in the comments. I am trying to show, not tell, you their traits.

Bachelor Challenge 4.1: Part D

Host: Welcome to the final episode of the first round of the Bachelor! 

02-13-15_1-31 PM 02-13-15_1-31 PM-2

This afternoon we had a Black & White cocktail party. 

02-13-15_1-32 PM

Madilyn: Arg! There are too many people here. I didn’t even get to use the shower this morning.

02-13-15_1-32 PM-2

Madilyn: Sorry  to vent. I just think everyone is in a bad mood today. This process is hard on all of us.

02-13-15_1-35 PM

Tanya: Sorry, I’m a bit of a loner, so this whole process is stressful for me.

02-13-15_1-37 PM

Steven: Man, we really need to get volunteers to clean the house. The kitchen is a mess.

02-13-15_1-39 PM

Host: Everyone was in a foul mood during the cocktail party. It had been a long week. The Bachelor pretty much just listened to everyone vent the whole time.

02-13-15_1-41 PM

Host: Karina went so far as to yell at him, and Sofia pass out early on in the evening. 

02-14-15_4-44 PM

Host: The girls had a short break, and then it was time for the Garden Ceremony.

02-14-15_4-45 PM

Tanner: I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here and for taking this process seriously.  I can definitely see my future spouse here. Of course, if any of you aren’t feeling the same, please feel free to leave. There will be no hard feelings, I want everyone to be 100% committed and comfortable with the process. 

My first choice for who I’d like to stay is…Stephanie.

02-14-15_4-46 PM

Next, I would like Anna to stay.

02-14-15_4-50 PM


02-14-15_4-52 PM


02-14-15_4-52 PM-2


Host: There is only one spot remaining…

02-14-15_4-53 PM

Take your time, Tanner.

02-14-15_4-53 PM-2 02-14-15_4-54 PM

Tanner: Karina.

02-14-15_4-54 PM-2

Host: Sofia, please say your goodbyes.


We hope you enjoyed this episode of the Bachelor. We’ll have the first episode of Round 2 posted soon!